McLART LLC is committed in providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all staff, interested parties and general Public meeting the requirements of applicable customer’s safety policy and laws of regulatory authorities. McLart shall make efforts to continually improve operations to prevent accidents, occupational illness and protect the environment. McLart will take responsibility for health and safety procedures and its implementations throughout the organization. Each employee is encouraged to play a vital and responsible role in maintaining a safe and healthy workplace through:

Being involved in the workplace health and safety system

Sticking to correct procedures and equipment

Wearing protective clothing and equipment as and when required

Reporting any pain or discomfort as soon as possible

Ensuring all accidents and incidents includes near miss are reported

Helping new employees, trainees and visitors to the workplace understand the right safety procedures and why they exist

Informing next reporting authority immediately of any health and safety concerns. It is the duty of all employees to work towards promoting a safe and healthy working environment. This will be achieved by taking due care and attention for one’s own health and safety and that of others, giving full supported co-operation to those who manage safe working practices